Below are some tips to solve common problems our users run into:
- If you know your username and password, but receive an invalid username/password error message, please be aware that the system is case sensitive and requires the password to be typed exactly as provided.
- If you have forgotten your password, you must click the “forgot username or password?” link. On the next screen, it will ask you for your email address. For TASIS students, you must use your school email address. For parents or agents, please use the email address you provided to the School at application time
The Veracross system will then send an email to your email account that contains a link to change your password. Open the email and click the link provided to reset your password. Your new password is determined by you, needs to be a minimum of 6 characters and contain the following: one uppercase letter, one lower case letter, and one number. The password cannot contain any part of your name in it also. PLEASE NOTE: this password change link is only valid for 15 minutes.
- If you have never received your username and password, please contact and a system welcome email will be sent to you. Please be sure to look for this email both in your inbox as well as your spam folder, as some email providers may block our Veracross Welcome email. We also recommend, if you do receive the email as spam, that you mark it as not spam so that future communications you will receive through the Veracross system will not be blocked.