

The American School in SwitzerlandThe American School in Switzerland

M. Crist Fleming Endowment

The M. Crist Fleming Endowment for International Understanding and Leadership was established as a memorial to the School’s founder and initially made possible by a $500,000 bequest from TASIS alumnus John E. Palmer ’64. This seed money is being augmented by donations from other TASIS alumni, parents, and friends to honor the accomplishments of M. Crist Fleming. The Endowment has been carefully invested to provide for preservation of principal while earning a steady return. It supports student involvement in international service projects pertaining to refugees, immigration, homelessness, health, education, and environmental sustainability.

The Endowment also funds the TASIS Speaker Series and supports the Khan-Page Master Teacher Award, given annually to an outstanding teacher who represents a high standard of professional pedagogy, possesses advanced subject-area knowledge, has a capacity to convey the joy and importance of learning to students, and demonstrates a fundamental sympathy with the aims and goals of TASIS as expressed in the Paideia.

In addition, the Endowment also provides resources to invite distinguished guest speakers and attract and retain world-class faculty—the soul of the TASIS experience. It is used to fund student scholarships and the professional development of teachers. The Endowment does not finance capital projects. It is managed by the TASIS Foundation, Inc., an American non-profit educational foundation, with supervision by the TASIS Foundation Switzerland.

Donations to the M. Crist Fleming Endowment Fund for International Understanding and Leadership honor our founder and will continue to help bring Mrs. Fleming’s dream to life for current and future generations of TASIS students.

If you would like to make a donation to the M. Crist Fleming Endowment Fund for International Understanding and Leadership, please visit our Ways to Give page and designate your gift accordingly.