1. Why are we asked to give money?
Your gift to TASIS helps sustain and enhance Mrs. Fleming’s vision of an outstanding international school that nurtures and educates responsible citizens of the world. TASIS became a non-profit school when Mrs. Fleming gifted the assets of the school to the TASIS Foundation in 1996. Tuition and fees benefit the students directly. Gifts to the school enhance existing programs, enrich the curriculum, help improve the facilities, and help assure that TASIS remains a world-class educational institution.
2. What is the Annual Appeal?
The Annual Appeal is made up of gifts donated by former students, current and past parents, and other friends of the School. These gifts help pay for important school projects, program enhancements, and financial aid.
3. How do I give?
One way is to watch for the letter from the Annual Appeal to arrive in your mailbox. Simply fill out the form that accompanies the letter and send it in. Gifts can be made by cash, credit card, bank transfer, or personal check.
4. How much should I give?
Regular participation is the goal. We ask all who choose to participate to do so generously, according to their financial means.
5. Can I choose how the School uses my gift?
Yes. You can give an unrestricted gift to the school, which allows TASIS to determine where your gift is most needed, or you may designate how you would like your gift to be used.
6. Does TASIS only accept gifts of money?
Gifts of company stock, classroom equipment, airline ticket credit, bequests, and other gifts appropriate to the needs of the School are sincerely appreciated. One graduating class even gave the school a new van! Please contact the Development Office for more information.
7. Is my gift tax-deductible?
For U.S. taxpayers, gifts may be deducted from U.S. income tax. Checks should be made payable to the TASIS Foundation, Inc., a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. Gifts by Swiss citizens and C Permit holders are also tax-deductible, within the limits fixed by the Canton of the donor and Bern. For other countries, please refer to the tax regulations specific to your situation.
8. What is a matching gift program? Do all companies have one?
A matching gift program allows people to have their gift to TASIS matched by the company for which they work. While not all companies have a matching gift program, many with headquarters based in the United States do match employee gifts to international schools. If the corporation you work for offers a matching gift program, its human resources department will give you a form to fill out. This form should be sent to the TASIS Foundation, Inc., along with your Annual Appeal gift. A matching gift can increase the amount of your donation 50-100%!
9. Can I leave TASIS a gift through my will or estate?
Of course! Remembering TASIS in your will is one of the finest ways to assure that the school continues to flourish in the years ahead. Membership in the TASIS Legacy Society means you have informed us of your intention to support the school even after you are gone. Consult your attorney or tax advisor about adding a simple codicil to your will that names TASIS as a beneficiary. Future generations of TASIS students will appreciate your foresight. Visit the M. Crist Fleming Legacy Society site page for more information.