

The American School in SwitzerlandThe American School in Switzerland

Health Services

The Health Center is staffed by three nurses and is open Monday–Thursday from 7:45–16:30 and on Friday from 7:45–16:00. Although students are asked to report to the Health Center during these hours if at all possible, the nurse on duty is available 24 hours a day. The nurses may be contacted at

Two full-time counselors are available to talk with students about any concerns and can refer them to an outside therapist for ongoing counseling if necessary.

Medical Forms
All new day and boarding students must complete the Medical History Form (which includes immunization dates) at the beginning of the school year. If the School does not have the completed health form and immunization record or a note from a physician regarding immunizations, the nurses will schedule an appointment with the School doctor. This cost will be added to the student’s Health Center bill.

Doctor Appointments
If a student needs to see a doctor, the nurses will arrange an appointment at the School doctor’s office. Physiotherapy, dentist, orthodontist, and other specialist appointments are also made by the nurses.

All medications must be seen and registered by the nurses at the Health Center. Students will be allowed to keep some over-the-counter medicines, provided they have written consent from their parents or guardians to do so. The nurse will attach colored stickers to these medications for identification purposes. These medications must be kept securely in the student’s locked cupboard, and any medications found around the dormitory will be confiscated. Under no circumstances may students give their medication to other students.