Each year TASIS hosts a number of food exhibitions on campus, and the School very much appreciates the willingness of parents and other guests to prepare delicious food for these popular events.
As food allergies and intolerances become increasingly common, the School kindly requests that guests go through the steps below before preparing any food that will be shared on the TASIS campus. These guidelines are also in place to prevent foodborne illnesses and infections.
- Please review this document: “Five Keys to Safer Food.”
- Please consult this document: “Substances that may cause allergies or other undesirable reactions.” Guests are asked to please print this document and circle items accordingly. (If guests do not have access to a printer, they can let the person in charge of the event know which ingredients their dish contains when they drop it off. The School will have extra copies of this document on hand and will help label it accordingly.)
Food Service Standards
Disclaimer on cross-contamination
Despite our strict adherence to Food Hygiene Standards (BPI-Buone Pratiche Igiene) and production practices during the production of semi-processed foods, we cannot exclude the possibility of accidental cross-contamination of ingredients due to the presence of gluten in other foods we serve.
Guests with allergies and food intolerances
- All guests with allergies, food intolerances, or undesired reactions to food elements are invited to inform the serving staff before selecting an item so that the staff may indicate and recommend foods that do not contain the allergy-provoking ingredients.
- The staff can also inform you about all ingredients and about the origins of the ingredients used in the preparation of our menu offerings.
- Meats and fish are often available without any sauces or condiments added. Please check with the Food Services staff.
- Fried foods are not served at Al Focolare, and the menu may vary.
- If not expressly indicated on the school notice boards, the country of origin of meats (and cured meats) is Switzerland.
- The menu may vary.
- The country of origin for fish will vary and is indicated separately (in a table) on the school notice board.
Fourchette Verte
TASIS holds the Fourchette Verte certification, which signifies that the School serves healthy and well-balanced meals each and every day.
Food Labeling: country of origin declarations
Swiss law requires that the School identify the country of origin for red meats, fish and crustaceans, poultry, and other meats served in the canteen. Find declarations from the TASIS Kitchen’s suppliers below:
The Management
Indicazione su cross-contamination
Nonostante le nostre Buone Pratiche di Igiene ( BPI ) e di Fabbricazione nella produzione di materie prime, non possiamo escludere in nessun modo la contaminazione crociata involontaria degli alimenti in quanto nella nostra struttura serviamo alimenti con Glutine.
Ospiti con allergie e intolleranze alimentari
- Invitiamo la nostra spettabile clientela che in caso di allergie, intolleranze o reazioni indesiderate ad ingredienti alimentari:
- Di volersi annunciare al personale di servizio prima dell’ordine, affinché possiamo consigliarvi e proporvi alimenti privi di ingredienti a voi intolleranti o che vi provochino allergie
- Possiamo inoltre informarvi verbalmente su tutti gli ingredienti e le provenienze delle materie che utilizziamo per le preparazioni offerte
- Su richiesta, dove possibile, a disposizione anche carne e pesce senza salsa/condimento
- Al Focolare non vengono serviti alimenti fritti ed il menù può subire variazioni
- Se non espressamente indicato sulle bacheche della scuola, il paese di provenienza delle carni e dei salumi è la Svizzera.
- Il menù può subire variazioni.
- Il Paese di provenienza del Pesce, variando frequentemente le forniture, viene segnalato a parte in una tabella esposta nella bacheca della scuola.
Fourchette Verte
TASIS ha ricevuto la certificazione Fourchette Verte che significa che la scuola serve pasti equilibrati e salutari tutti i giorni.
Prodotti alimentari: dichiarazioni del paese di origine
TASIS è tenuta per legge ad identificare il paese di origine per carni rosse, pesce e crostacei, pollame ed altre carni servite in mensa. Troverete le dichiarazioni dei fornitori della cucina TASIS qui di seguito:
La direzione