April 2017
The High School Theater Program put forth three inspired performances of MCF: What a Life!—an original musical by Todd Fletcher about the incredible life of TASIS Founder M. Crist Fleming—over the weekend of March 31–April 2. Watch the Saturday evening performance, see photo galleries, and read about this year's cast and crew.
Elementary School students continue to excel in mathematics as they adjust to the demanding Math in Focus curriculum, a new textbook alternative for schools that wish to deliver an authentic Singapore Math program.
While much of TASIS was enjoying a well-deserved break, 29 students and nine adult chaperones chose to devote their spring holiday to impoverished communities well off the beaten path.
Middle School art teacher Simona Bellini's students created eight pieces for a giant puzzle that was displayed in Mendrisio in recognition of the 10th annual World Autism Awareness Day.
Ekaterina Plotnikova '18 takes a tongue-in-cheek look at how students deal with stress levels that tend to spike as the final exam period approaches.
Our talented alumni continue to do amazing things in a variety of industries around the world. Read about recent accomplishments in news media, humanitarianism, filmmaking, acting, and athletics.
More than 50 alumni from a variety of TASIS programs and class years met in Miami for a fun-filled reunion over the weekend of April 7–9.
Middle School Musical: Peter Pan JR.
May 19–21, 2017
We welcome all members of the community to campus from May 18–21 to celebrate our 43rd annual Spring Arts Festival. The four-day festival will offer an exciting lineup of concerts, theatrical performances, visual arts exhibitions, and workshops.
Faculty Features
This month we're pleased to add five more student-teacher interviews to our new Faculty Features page.
Bryan Soh '18 interviewed High School Math Teacher Ms. Kerry Venchus, whose contributions to TASIS extend well beyond the classroom. Ms. Venchus has also helped her AP Calculus students perform extraordinarily well on their exams in recent years.
Learn more
Anastasia Kolesnikova '18 interviewed Middle School Science Department Chair Dr. Brett Merritt, who helped develop an Engineering and Invention unit at TASIS and was awarded the Khan-Page Master Teacher Award in 2014.
Diana Kuznetsova '18 sat down with High School French Teacher Ms. Brigitte Cazebonne, who has taught at TASIS since 1993 and was the Khan-Page Master Teacher Award recipient in 2012.
Bryan Soh '18 interviewed Mr. Zach Mulert, who teaches AP US History and has been the director of the School's pioneering Global Service Program since its inception in 2013.
Diana Kuznetsova '18 sat down with High School Theater Director Valerie Bijur Carlson, who runs the IB Theater program and is responsible for directing and producing a classic play each fall and a musical each spring.
Upcoming Events
Apr. 27–May 19 • IB Exams
May 1–5 • ES Book Week
May 1–12 • AP Exams
May 18–21 • Spring Arts Festival
May 25 • HS Prom
May 26 • HS Senior Banquet
May 27 • HS Commencement
June 1–2 • ES Musical
June 6 • MS Moving-Up Ceremony
June 8 • ES Moving-Up Ceremony
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