March 2022
From the end of winter sports and the start of spring athletics to the conclusion of ski trips north and the beginning of adventure trips south, we take a photo-driven look at the past month at TASIS.
March 2022
From the end of winter sports and the start of spring athletics to the conclusion of ski trips north and the beginning of adventure trips south, we take a photo-driven look at the past month at TASIS.
The Varsity Boys Basketball team hosted local Viganello for a friendly game on the evening of March 1 in the Palestra. The Tigers played relentless defense throughout and outscored the Caimans 11-4 in the fourth quarter to secure a hard-fought 35-24 victory. See more photos.
Look closely to see the Orion Constellation shining over campus on the evening of March 1.
Thirty-five skiers and snowboarders competed fiercely during the 2022 Fleming Cup ski and snowboard race. The winners received their trophies and gathered for a photo in front of Casa Fleming on March 4. See photos and a short video from the weekend spent in Engelberg, and learn more about the Fleming Cup.
Coach Tom Angelitti drew up a play for the JV Boys Basketball team during halftime of their game against International School of Lausanne on March 6. See more photos.
The Moldova Global Service Program group organized a dodgeball tournament for Elementary School students on March 6 to raise funds for its partners in Riscova, who have converted their EcoVisio into a home for Ukrainian refugees. The hard work of the GSP group and the tremendous generosity of the TASIS community led to more than CHF 6000 being sent to the EcoVisio, which is using 100 percent of the funds to house and feed displaced Ukrainian families.
TASIS alumnus Pontus Sirén '89, a partner at the growth strategy consulting firm Innosight, spoke with members of Mr. Brett Foster’s Biology class on the morning of March 8. Visiting as part of the 2021–2022 TASIS Speaker Series, Mr. Sirén also delivered a keynote address in the Palmer Center on the evening of March 7. Learn more about his visit.
The magnolia tree outside of Casa Fleming has begun to bloom, signifying that warmer weather is just around the corner.
Middle School advisees spread messages of positivity by writing words of encouragement on the steps outside of Belvedere on March 10.
The TASIS Varsity Girls Badminton team completed its impressive postseason run by finishing first at the ESC Singles and Doubles Championship on March 13. The Tigers finished their season as ESC, SGIS, and NISSA champions!
Members of the TASIS robotics team bound for the FLC World Festival in Houston, USA, met with a journalist from Corriere del Ticino in Casa Fleming on March 14. Read the article that appeared in the Sunday issue of the CdT on March 27, and hear from team member Mariaurora Rosso ’24.
On March 14, Headmaster Christopher Nikoloff began delivering his four-part seminar on the basic philosophical structures behind truth, goodness, and beauty to all students in grade 10. This seminar, which can be viewed as an introduction to philosophy and is designed to ensure that all TASIS students graduate with a foundation in these philosophical ideas and the traditions they represent, continues an important initiative Mr. Nikoloff launched last year.
The Class of 2022 traveled to magnificent Davos for their final winter adventure as classmates. The seniors stayed in an amazing mountain-top resort and spent their days skiing, snowboarding, snowshoeing, ice skating, curling, and enjoying one another’s company. See more photos.
The cast and crew of the High School Spring Musical, Into the Woods JR., gathered for a playful group photo during one of their final dress rehearsals in advance of the show's premiere on March 18.
Jack walks across the stage as a giant looks down from the land above the beanstalk. See more photos and learn about the stellar show.
Grade 3 students played doubles badminton during physical education class with Mr. Giorgio Volpi on March 17. See more photos.
On March 21, the High School gathered for its first full assembly since the fall. Headmaster Chris Nikoloff spoke about the TASIS mission before student musicians performed several beautiful songs in front of a receptive audience that wasn't afraid to join in the fun! See more photos.
The spring athletics season began on March 15, and members of the Varsity Golf team have been working on their game at the exquisite Golf Club Lugano. See more photos.
Members of the TASIS Model United Nations team gathered in Monticello on March 15 for a round of parliamentary debate. See more photos.
Athletes from the Varsity Girls Basketball team cheered as a member of their squad was recognized at the Winter Sports Banquet on March 23. Learn more about the winter season.
Students in Ms. Kenzie Kaper’s class took to the outdoors for some close reading and discussion on March 24. See more photos.
Members of TASIS’s Global Issues Network service learning group spent this year learning about female reproductive health across the world. On March 24, the group delivered a 45-minute presentation via Zoom to more than 200 students from 20 schools across Europe and Asia.
Drama Teacher and Theater Director Mr. Matthew Frazier-Smith joined Ms. Holly Wiens’ Grade 6 English class on March 24 to help introduce students to Shakespeare for the first time. The students became familiar with Shakespearean language, had fun acting out two scenes, and left ready to tackle A Midsummer Night's Dream. See more photos.
After learning about multiple ancient African kingdoms in history class and doing research to identify the strengths and weaknesses of each one, fourth-grade students worked on a project that consisted of designing their own successful kingdom, writing about it extensively, and building a three-dimensional model. Parents were invited to stop by campus on March 25 to see the results of their hard work. See more photos.
Six adventurous High School students and two faculty chaperones spent March 24–27 mountain biking in lovely Finale Ligure as part of the TASIS Academic Travel Program. See more photos.
The TASIS Ski and Snowboard Club hit the slopes above Splügen on March 27 for a celebratory lunch and an afternoon of slalom races. See more photos and watch a highlight video.
Sprinters on the Varsity Girls Track and Field team practiced block starts during practice on March 28 at the new state-of-the-art sports complex in Gentilino, just a short warm-up jog from campus. See more photos.
An all-star panel of TPA parents, alumni, current seniors, and our outstanding College Counseling team led an informational session on the university application process on March 29 in Casa Fleming. Interested parents listened to advice on applying to college, choosing between TASIS’s IB and AP programs, organizing a gap year, and much more.