Thank you Mrs. Fleming for having given the tools and education needed for success, the flower you have planted will flourish for many generations to come! You have truly changed my life, and I will always remember the fine memories of my years at TASIS.
Ronny Bigio '01
We found out that Mrs. Fleming passed away, and we extend our thoughts to the Fleming-Aeschliman family. We will keep fond memories of this joyful, charismatic, and highly accomplished woman, who pursued her dreams by influencing and shaping the lives of so many of us. She will live on through these accomplishments and also through our enduring appreciation of her kindness, wit, and generosity. We are happy to have known her.
Emilie Nagel, TASIS Summer (MSP and Chateau d'Oex), English & French teacher from 2004; and Shannon Tibbs, TASIS Summer (TSP, MSP, and Chateau d'Oex), English teacher and activities leader from 2005
Dear Mrs. Aeschliman,
Good Morning I wonder how a morning can be good in Lugano without the legendary Mrs. Fleming ! But I am sure that her wonderful joyful soul even in the absence of her body will make everything good and joyful around all the people and the places that she loved.Yesterday my wife, my children and I were deeply touched with the news of the passing away of the mother of everybody, but as good believers we believe that death is the end of every mankind on this earth, many people in this world their life ends the moment they die and few their life remains eternal even after their death, many people pass by us in this world without leaving anything to remember and few insist on leaving their imprints everywhere through their good deeds and through their willingness to change things to the better so the world without them can never be as good as it is with them. Mrs.Fleming legacy, love and long fruitful life will remain for ever in the hearts of those who knew her and loved her. TASIS and Lugano can never be mentioned anywhere in this world without her name and without her long struggle in life to establish this wonderful organization. May God rest her soul in peace, we will always pray for her and for those who loved her to give them the patience and strength to continue the journey she started.
Sultan, Mysoon, Nour '05 and Emily Gammoh '08
Mrs. Fleming was more than just an educator; she was a messenger of hope, love, understanding, compassion and life ... She touched many lives with her warmth, passion and unwavering smile.
Mrs. Fleming had faith in those that didn't have faith in themselves; she believed that each of her students (all who knew her) would amount to greatness. When we only saw darkness, she would hold our hand and lead us to the light.
Our beloved mentor has ventured to spread her wings in the heavens but her vision, her spirit, her message, her laughter and guiding voice will ring true in our hearts until the end of time.
Maya AlBaradie '97
Our mutual friend and alumni pal Clifford de Clavel has informed me that Ms. Fleming passed away, and we are deeply saddened by her departure.
We sincerely wish to offer, my family and I, our most heartfelt condolences and kindly ask you to transmit our deepest sympathy to Lynn and her family.
Our thoughts and prayers are with TASIS and all those who love and thank her for her special mission in educating, building character, transmitting knowledge and international understanding for the whole person. We have lots of unforgettable memories of happy days and Ms. Fleming through our life at TASIS. She always had the right word for everyone. Her love and passion for inter-cultural communication is our heritage. Needless to say that Ms. Fleming's positive attitude and endless dedication and devotion to her mission is respected worldwide.
Although the feeling is that she has left all of us orphans, she expects us to go on with our heads high and help us make this world a better place to live. Her spirit is alive in all of us.
To Ms. Mary Crist Fleming:
"Woman of great courage, now rests in the bosom of eternity, may your strength sustain those who are left, to fulfill the dreams that belong to you".
Melania Ancillotti Varola (class of 73)
Rio de Janeiro |
We served on Parent Council for two years and got to know and work with Mrs. Fleming. She was a delight, fun and interesting with great vision.
Judi and Ron Clifford - parents of Leslie Clifford (Robinson) TE '87
What a great loss for all of us! I have so many wonderful memories of Mrs.Fleming. I had the privilege to go to TASIS for 6 years, the best days of my life, as well as to work for her for some months. The world has become a little colder without her, but I know that in heaven they are celebrating because a new angel has arrived!
Thank you MCF for having helped me to become the person I am. I will miss you!!!!
Annette Rossi-Roetger
When I think of Mrs. Fleming I always smile. She had such a wonderful outlook on life. Everyone around her was always smiling. She told me a story once that I will never forget.
We, somehow, got on the topic of her lipstick. Mrs. Fleming said that every night she washed off all her makeup and then would immediately put her lipstick back on. She told me that she should always be ready lest her house catches fire and a handsome fireman should come to save her, she would not want to be caught without lipstick on. I remember laughing and receiving a big kiss, leaving a great red smudge on my cheek! She was an amazing woman, inspiring in so many ways. I cannot imagine a better life lived where all who knew her remember her and smile.
Gemma Amendola Keech '91
How honored I feel to have known Mrs. Fleming. She was a remarkable lady with such vision! Just thinking of the obstacles she must have faced when she started a little American school in Switzerland amazes me. She will always be remembered. I am so glad we were able to see her in 2005 when we visited TASIS. She was not feeling well, but still greeted us fully dressed, made up and looking fabulous as always. Mrs. Fleming, you will be missed!
Our thoughts and prayers go out to the Fleming/Aeschliman family.
Jeff and Maggie Boyle '86 |
"A good life hath its number of days: but a good name shall continue for ever."
-- Ecclesiasticus 41:16
For most of us, the summit of achievement will be to live a “good life,” even though we all know that good lives will end someday. But those rare individuals with a “good name” are something else – they affect the wide world around them, causing a ripple in the universe’s fabric, influencing the future and the lives of others unborn in their own time. Such a one was Mary Crist Fleming.
The thousands of people she has touched are all remembering what she meant to them, now that she has passed on. My own contribution to this mighty song of praise is mostly in the past, in the texts of the various TASIS publications that I had the opportunity to work on with Fernando Gonzalez and Lynn Fleming Aeschliman over the past three decades. I’ll just add this further reflection:
A great Russian monk from the early 19th century once declared, “Acquire the spirit of peace, and thousands around you will be saved.” I think we could adapt that and say that Mrs. Fleming acquired the spirit of beauty, and thousands around her were enlightened. As one girl whom I interviewed for a TASIS brochure said, “TASIS opened my mind to the world.” How many thousands of people from how many different countries could echo that statement?
There’s no need to demonstrate Mrs. Fleming’s overarching commitment to beauty on all levels. One needs just to step onto a TASIS campus and spend five minutes observing the magnificent setting, the graceful buildings and grounds, the admirable manners of the students from many lands, and the atmosphere of openness, friendship, and joy. The Bible’s creation story in Genesis says that God saw that his work was “good”—but in the Greek translation, that word is “kalon”, which means both “good” and “beautiful.” Mrs. Fleming’s educational work, too, united beauty with goodness.
It was a privilege to be inspired by and to share Mrs. Fleming’s vision and work. As we take them forward, wherever we are, we might recall the words of another great Russian, the writer Dostoyevsky: “Beauty will save the world.”
David Jepson
27 January 2009
TASIS England teacher and administrator, 1979-89; 1992-2007; TASIS England Summer School Director 1983; TASIS Summer School teacher 1997 - present |
Au revoir, Madame Fleming. Veillez sur nous.
Géraldine Caussette - TASIS French teacher
Mrs. Fleming has had such an enormous impact on my life. I can't even begin... As a child I dreamed of TASIS, the place I read about in one of my favorite books. While in college, I came to apply to CDE and my love affair with Lugano began. It continues to this day as do my friendships with so many wonderful people from places ranging from Dubai to Venezuela. I'm so unbelievably indebted to Mrs. Fleming. My life has completely changed and will never be the same, all because she had the gumption, the spirit, and the drive to start a small school on Montagnola. She is one of the strongest, most hospitible people I've ever met. I know she's making everyone comfortable and wowing them with her wit and charm in heaven today. She will be missed but never forgotten.
Megan Pendleton CDE Counselor 2007 - present
Mrs. Fleming was a woman of grace and beauty, leading by example. She established her schools in historic buildings and beautiful surroundings and encouraged open minds and open hearts. She expected the best from teachers and students. Each day I see her influence in our lives.
Our thoughts and prayers are with her family.
Ruth and Paul Marston
Three children, Sarah '86 TE, John Paul '88 TE, and Michael '92 TE '93PG |
Thank you Mrs. Fleming for the TASIS experience.
My condolences to the Fleming family,
Afsaneh Afkham-Ebrahimi TASIS Lugano 1978-1980
To Mrs. Fleming's family,
In this inevitable time of reflection and prayer we offer our condolences to the family and emphasize the importance of Mrs. Fleming’s work, reflected in the growth of our son who is in TASIS just six months and gave us so much joy since!
"Some people go through life ...
Some just pass and leave scars,
Some pass sowing flowers.
Some pass bathing us in tears,
Some willing to pass them dry.
Some people leave deep scars.
Some simply pass,
Some stay forever in my heart.
Some people go through life,
But some people do not let life pass ... "
We believe that this is the true eternity!
With regret,
Marcos and Viviane Marino (Matheus Parisotto Marino parents)
My oldest daughter Laura started at TASIS England during its very first year. Because of the size of the school (small) and the ratio of day students to boarders, we parents were very involved. Mrs. Fleming was there a lot. She was a class act lady who NEVER forgot a name and made all she met feel very special. I've had occasion to bring both of my grandsons to visit the school in the recent years; it has the same "feeling". Her legacy will live on and she will be remembered with great fondness!
Kenette Wentner (aka Gillbert)
Laura Gillbert Russell - attended 8th grade thru 12th - Class of '81
Lisa Blair Gillbert (Blair Grey - attended 6th grade thru 12th - Class of '85
Much thanks and gratitude to her and her organization for providing me with an education I could not have dreamed of!! 3 years at TASIS Lugano changed my life forever, and I will never forget meeting her, and having wine at her house. May she rest in peace.
Leslie Harris '89 |
Having come to know Gai Case during the past year and a half, I realized her mother must be a very special, amazing lady. This website confirms her accomplishments and strength of character. May our Lord bless each family member with comfort, peace and His joy. My sympathy and prayers go out to each of you.
Annette N. Phillips - Friend of Gai Case
While I only spent one year in the TASIS community, Mrs. Flemming instantly made me feel like this was a place where I belonged. While seated at her table during the opening faculty dinner, her words inspired me, her laughter was contagious, and I was amazed by her sharp wit. She leaves behind a tremendous legacy.
Stephanie (Farnham) Puchalski - TASIS Lugano - Teacher 2005 - 2006
Mrs. Fleming was an extraordinary person...Thank you for sharing your dreams with us, your legacy stays in all of the TASIS students...
Arianne Lejarza '98
Our tribute is one of esteem, admiration and gratitude for Mrs. Fleming's pioneering leadership in international education. To and for this vision she brought incredible energy, remarkable dedication, intense commitment and the daring capacity to take chances on places and persons, students, faculty and staff, simply because she believed so deeply in education on an international scale and scope. She lived to see so much of that vision realized while passing it on to Lynn and future generations of TASIS students. We mourn her passing but give profound thanks for her time and tenure among us.
And to Lynn, Michael, their children and the rest of Mrs. Fleming's family we extend our deep sympathy, sincere prayers and abiding affection in this season of sorrow that comes with a certain silence brought about by the death of Mary Crist Fleming. God is with you. All will be well.
Most fondly,
Edward and Kathryn Lee
I spent the best moments of my life in Lugano. I remember being always happy. I sometimes wonder why I have always had this thought and feeling and I always come to the same conclusion: freedom of body and soul. Unlike other boarding schools and Universities I attended, even after the coming of age at 18, I have never experienced such a feeling of freedom and happiness. I believe now that Mrs Fleming has lived this long to impregnate faculty with the philosophy to teach and practice thru this very special wisdom. Speaking with my fellow alumni friends, we agree that this is her true legacy. Responsibility was never confused with obligation at TASIS. The freedom of choosing was the true measurement and proof of how, thru this freedom, our soul always knew the difference between doing good versus evil, because we had the possibility of experiencing both and choosing wether to do one or the other. Believing and teaching with this academic philosophy has resulted in a healthy group of alumni and human beings who, thru the years come together to recognize and proof to themselves and everyone that the seed of this miracle, far from being a coincidence, lies in the wisdom of a great woman, Mrs. Fleming. God Bless.
Carlos Gari '89
Well a sad January: my mother in law passed away on January 21. Mrs. Fleming passed away too, rather at the age of my great grandmother (102) when I graduated from TASIS in 1976; my father came to the graduation, held by Mrs. Fleming. ... All my regards to her family, TASIS was a family to me, I still talk about it, to my children, I'm still in contact, mainly with one teacher: it (TASIS) opened the world and I became a different person. I wish it today for my son, ... he just applied for a high school year abroad, and remembering what it did for me - I/we've said, of course - do it.
Nadine Kenel '76
Mrs. Fleming, I serve in the United States Air Force now; I know, a long way from where you left me. I do this because you always taught me to do what is right. You gave me the courage to do what must be done! The bravery to do what i am scared of........ I am honored to have known you, even though for just a few moments of your life. I loved writing you letters; even in Iraq last month I thought of all that you stood for; that was a piece of land in a calm sea of serenity. A land full of love and knowledge and an effervestent love of eternity.... I am proud and priveliged to have known you. Thank you for giving me a second chance! I will remember you forever!!!
Alanna Cherry - former TASIS student
Mrs Fleming, what ever-vibrant presence emanated the strength of your high ideals throughout your long, eventful and inspirational life!
As only one of the countless you touched, I submit everyone has been changed by this experience to think more internationally, openly and positively about the future of humanity and the important role we can play in contributing to global understanding. Now you have passed the torch to all of us around the world, and we must carry it forward, delighting in keeping the spirit you so gracefully embodied alive, safe and ready to shine a way for future generations.
Thank you, Mrs Fleming, for giving us all such a lasting sense of value for the better part of a century. Please be assured that your life's work is in good hands, ready to bear dividends of love while you rest in peace.
In loving rememberance,
J. Michael Horak - former TASIS Teacher 1991 - 1997; former TASIS Summer Programs teacher 1992 - 1999 and 2002 - 2006
Cara Signora Fleming,
Grazie per aver fondato la TASIS e di avermi dato la possibilita di andare in questa bellissima scuola. Senza de lei non avrei mai potuto imparare cosi tante cose. Grazie alla sua scuola potro' andare molto lontano. Vorrei dirle grazie anche per aver aiutato a rendere i miei zii le persone speciali che sono oggi.
Nader Di Michele (Boghraty) - current Grade 4 TASIS Elementary School student
Mrs. Fleming had a special way to connect with young people, and this enabled her to have an important impact on their lives. She was also a good humorist and helped parents to laugh at difficult situations universal to mothers and fathers. As for me personally, she knew the art of teaching comes from the heart.
Jeffrey N. Klein - former TASIS teacher
Mrs. Fleming had so many amazing qualities, but the one that I always found most impressive was her ability to know everyone's name. Whenever you entered her presence she knew exactly who you were and had the amazing ability to make a personal connection that showed her care and compassion for you as a human being. I will always treasure spending a few days with her in Casa Fleming and bringing her her nightly glass of Ovaltine and having a bedside chat with her. We will miss you, Mrs. Fleming. Rest in peace.
Priscilla Lund - former Admissions Associate from the TASIS Washington, DC Office 2002 - 2006
Mrs Fleming was a beautiful woman, inside and out. Her curiosity, generosity and loving words will stay with us always.
Hilary Gunn - '07
Mary C. Fleming was a ray of sunshine on this earth that warmed the hearts and souls of thousands upon thousands, generations upon generations with love to unite the whole world with nurtured learning in a TASIS Family that is ever growing, ever learning, ever loving. She will be greatly missed and fondly remembered. I send condolences to the Fleming and Aeschliman Families for their loss.
Michele Wright - '88
I taught for Mrs. Fleming, first on summer programs in 1967 and 1968 and then at Fleming College for the two years 1968 - 1970. Jan and I have always thought of Mrs. Fleming as the person who encouraged us and made it possible for us to live and work here in Switzerland. We therefore owe her a great deal and have always been grateful. We shall miss her wisdom and humour and hope that she may now rest in the peace she so much deserves.
Brian Stanford |
Although I only met Mrs. Fleming on a few occasions, she always knew my name and was genuinely interested in my well-being. Being so far from home and family, I cannot tell you how much this meant to me. May her friends and family take comfort in the knowledge that her spirit lives on in every alumni and future student who walks through the halls of TASIS. She will be missed but her legacy spans the world.
Reema Nabhan - '98
I remember her saying to me with a great big smile, "We've got an eye on you." I didn't know it then, it took me a while to realize what she meant: we expect you to reach as far as you can, never fear any man. Always question, never doubt, peace among all of us is the only way out. All my best to Mrs. Fleming's family.
Steven Folsom - '75
Over 43 years later and I can remember Mrs. Fleming like yesterday. My time in Lugano changed my life forever, and I thank her for her vision, dedication, and consistency. I know her family and friends will miss her always. How lucky they, and all of us were to have her so long.
Kathy Doyle - PG '66 and summer teacher at TASIS, Vezia, summer '69 |
TASIS was a very special place to spend 4 years of high school. Mrs. Fleming had an amazing vision and incredible determination to create such a unique, worthwhile and enduring educational institution that has impacted the lives of so many. I have much appreciation and respect for what Mrs. Fleming accomplished. My sincere sympathy to her family.
Jo-Anne Principato Morley - '72, and parent of Dylan J. Morley, who attended the TASIS Summer Program in Spain 2005
Truly the end of a grand era of education. Those of us that were part of her TASIS were priviledged to have been part of her life, and she in our lives.
Scott H. Whittle - '69
What an amazing women she was. I will miss her. I remember seeing her in Lugano at the celebration in 2006 and she still remembered my name. I think that my need to help others is, in part, inspired by her example. My condolences to her family and all of TASIS.
Charles Hodgkins - attended TASIS from 1969 - 70, and Fleming College Florence 1973 - 74
Mrs. Fleming was an inspiration to everyone she came in contact with, not only as an educator, but as a teacher of international diplomacy who stressed the importance of bridging gaps of various cultures to unite them, and bring together a more peaceful civilization. Her indomitable spirit will live on in the minds of all her students, teachers and family. She will always be remembered for her courage in Internation education and I wish her entire family my heartfelt sympathy - to her daughter Lynn and her grandchildren and know that I am also sad in this time of deep sadness and sorrow. May God bless you and know that my thoughts are with you.
Alan Lewis Robinson - TASIS 1970 - 1971, Fleming College, Florence 1974 - 1975
God's finger touched her and she slept - Lord Tennyson
Alexander de Bruin - '87
TASIS was an unforgettable place to spend my last two years in high school. I remember Mrs. Fleming vividly as a warm and elegant presence on campus. When I found the school's website in recent years, I was thrilled to find that she was still alive and well. I extend my sincere sympathy to all the members of her family.
Nancy C. Cable - '68
Mrs. Fleming's life was no doubt extraordinary. Although I'm sure we all wished her to live on forever and she would have still done a great many things for our world, I hope she goes in peace.
Thank you Mrs. Fleming for making it all happen. I am so very grateful that you, with your loving heart and vision, founded TASIS. I feel privileged to have spent some wonderful years at the school you created.
Toshie Yamashiro - '96
Mary Crist Fleming was indeed a woman of vision, energy, enthusiasm and joy as she encouraged students to learn and explore beyond their own worlds through a wonderful variety of international programs. I remember the beauty of Villa Verbanella Alta on Lago Maggiore, and the combination of camping, swimming, study, and travel. Lynn, it's great that you've been able to continue to grow TASIS in so many ways. The pictures of your mother on the TASIS site are just perfect, and show a woman who contributed much to many. My thoughts are of her, and are with you and your family, and with Gai and her family.
Syd Lefkoe - '56 Swiss Holiday Summer Program
Thank you Mrs. Fleming for starting your school in the beautiful Alps of the Ticino. In many ways it was like yesterday that I trod the hills of Montagnola, memorable times. Rest in peace for a job well done - sympathies to all her family.
Daniel W. Aire - '77
A Guardian Angel
How we remember Mrs. Fleming:
Unconditional love for her students
A warm heart and a candid smile for parents, always
Her presence, a testimony of goodness and integrity
An angel amongst us
Tokyo, January 30, 2009
Michiko and Graziano Sforza - parents of Caterina Yuka Sforza '02, and Gabriele Hiroshi Sforza '07
We would like to express our deepest sympathy to the Fleming family at this sad moment. The death of Mrs. Fleming is a great loss for all of us. May she rest in peace.
Miroljub Aleksic '08
Mrs. Fleming was an extraordinary human being. Her energy and passion and her vision for what TASIS could contribute to the world were remarkable. She was genuinely interested in and cared for her students - she made us feel significant. Whenever her Volvo was parked in the carport of Casa Fleming, the entire campus seemed to sit up and take notice. Mrs. Fleming's presence will be missed, but her spirit and her influence will surely live on in those whose lives she touched.
Jonathan Charles Reeser '78, TASIS England teacher 1983 - 1984
We join you and your families in mourning the loss of this great and dear woman.
She has given us so much, and our gratitude and prayers are with her and all of you.
God bless Mrs Fleming, and may she rest in peace.

Paolo, Cinzia, Federica and Isabella Flores |
Mrs. Fleming and the school she created have inspired me, my brothers, and my entire family. She is an important factor in shaping who I am today. I am most grateful for the many ways in which my life has been inspired and propelled forward by he spirit, her passions, and her determination. She will be in my memory forever.
Veronika Mülhofer - '97
Mrs. Fleming was an incredible woman who led a life that influenced thousands, directly or indirectly, and I was one of those. She was a role model for all young woman and kept her standards high at all times. We were intimidated by her as young teens but she always treated us with grace and with the expectation that we would do the right thing. Children rise to expectation. To her family, I send my thanks for allowing her to share her life with so many students and teachers.
Peg Johnson Cannell - '61 - '62
Dear TASIS family - I never thought this day would come as Mrs. Fleming was such a dynamo. I was fortunate to be able to speak with her right after my own father died in December. They are now wrecking havoc in heaven together. Mrs. Fleming-thank you for giving myself and my son such a wonderful chance at exposure to other cultures -best year in our education.
Maudie and Robert - Maude Glore's son Robert Hux '99, Maude E. Glore - PG '67, brother Robert Glore PG '69
I have many wonderful memories of Mrs. Fleming from my high school years in Montagnola, but my favorite memory is more recent: my daughter, Paige Reilly, attended the wonderful summer program in Tuscany and when we arrived to the beautiful hidden hillsides, we were invited to come 'say hello to Mrs. Fleming' -- not only did she remember me after all those years, but she made my daughter feel so welcome and special. Her memory, of course, was incredible, but it was her spirit and her ability to connect with the young that made her so remarkable. I am lucky to have been a recipient of her vision, as is my daughter, and the world is now different without her. She will be missed.
Didi Atwood - '73
I can't imagine my high school years without Mrs. Fleming. She always made me feel that there was a special place in her heart for me, and I'm very grateful.
My classmates and I were lucky enough to see her again when we visited Lugano two years ago. She was even more impressive 30 plus years after I graduated. What a gal.
Tom Mitchell - '69
I have had the unique experience of starting the Pre-Kindergarten program at TASIS Elementary School. Initially, I held the class in the living room of Casa Fleming. The children would play, sing, and dance in the atmosphere of a famous house. Sometimes Mrs. Fleming would glide downstairs to observe the children in their active play. I remember a little girl saying, "Is she a Queen?" Children have a secret sense to situations. I replied, "Yes, she is a royal lady!" And that defines Mrs. Fleming.
Christina Hartevelt - current TASIS Pre-Kindergarten teacher
14 or 15 years after leaving Montagnola, I met her at Heathrow airport by chance. As I greeted her, she looked at me and said: "you are Ziyad Al Kurdi Al Milli." That she remembered me from the thousands that have passed through TASIS, and so many years later, makes me think of the mother who gives all her children equal love and attention. God Bless you Mrs. Fleming.
Ziyad Al Kurdi Al Milli - '80
...TASIS England helped to open my eyes to the world outside of the United States. I was naïve, but I absorbed all that was before me. It changed me. I had a new respect and understanding for other cultures and viewpoints. Now, I feel blessed to have had those opportunities to grow. Meeting Mrs. Fleming was an experience. Her presence was nothing like I had ever encountered before or since. She swept into the room, took charge and enjoyed every minute of it. I felt at ease with her while in awe of her. She was so much more than one can describe in this short space. She was larger than life, yet down to earth. Her influences in the lives of so many young people is one that I strive for in my educational career. I hope I have the courage to pursue what is in the best interest of the learners and not just conform to what is. The vision that Mary Crist Fleming had for the TASIS Schools created a place that academically challenged me and, more importantly, nurtured my soul. I am forever grateful to her for founding TASIS England and for the profound effect it has had on my life.
Cynthia B. Rollins - TE '81, TE Summer Programs Assistant Teacher '82
I remember her great smile and calming personality - she always had time and an ear for her students. My life and future were shaped by my stay at TASIS; the Classes I took in Photography later became my profession and the inspiration was due to the surroundings that was TASIS. I will be ever grateful and will always remember her.
Franz Marzouca - '78
Many years ago Mrs. Fleming sat me down when she discovered I had been accepted to Oxford University while I was teaching at TASIS. She gave me a "pep talk" as only Mrs. Fleming could do. She told me to "Go...dream...take that Oxford opportunity and help the world with it! Leave TASIS and go!!!"
When I first met Mrs. Fleming, I was fairly new to teaching, and she inspired me in more ways than I can even begin to write. She will forever be in my heart and remembered as the ultimate educator!
Conni Rasmussen - Former TASIS Teacher 1995 and 2007
I remember her low, scratchy voice as it told captivating stories, her manicured fingers, her bright lipstick. I remember how her face lit up when she saw the children, how gentle she was, how she seemed to know the ones who needed her attention and love the most. She created the catalyst for a million friendships and memories; her schools have brought together students, teachers and parents from across the globe, and her legacy will live on every time someone says, "I met him/her at TASIS." She's made the world a little bit smaller, and a little bit more wonderful. Thank you, Mrs. Fleming.
Kristin Pedroja - MSP Teacher 2003 - 2004, 2008; TASIS Teacher 2007 - 2008
Mary Crist Fleming taught us so much more than she professed; in her heartfelt candor and poise, we learned of class outside the classroom and majesty in serving others. Bless you Mrs. Fleming and may you rest in peace.
Talal Kanafani - '95, TASIS Dorm Head and Teacher 2003 - 2004