Mingcheng Zhang ’26 sat down with High School Science Teacher Mr. Athan Rodostianos, who started at TASIS in 2021 and currently teaches both Physics and IB Physics 2 (HL and SL).
Faculty & Staff Directory

Lynn Aeschliman

Patrick Alava

Angel Alvarez

Katherine Anderson

Fabrizio Appiani

Michelle Arslanian Naroyan

Irene Avaldi-Bianchini
Brian Barry
Faculty Features
Elisa Angelino ’26 interviewed Ms. Stéphanie Roth, who teaches across various levels of Italian in the High School, serves as a High School advisor, and also works as a dorm parent in the Residential Life Program.
Sofia Arce Perez ’26 sat down with High School History Teacher Mr. Antony Shelley, who started at TASIS in 2019 and currently is the K–12 Curriculum Coordinator, serves as a dorm parent, and teaches IB History and EAL Modern History.
Lola Hutchinson ’27 interviewed Ms. Simone Meister, who teaches all levels of German in both the Middle School and High School, serves as a High School advisor, and works with 10th-grade students in the Opsahl Global Service Program.
Sonia Krikunchik ’26 sat down with Mr. Jerald Bleckel, who has taught IB and AP Physics and coached the Varsity Girls Basketball team since he started at TASIS in 2021.
Charlotte Welborn ’25 interviewed Middle School Music Teacher Ms. Angela Dusing, who has filled a variety of roles at TASIS since coming aboard in 2020.
Maria Rozanova ’25 sat down with Mr. Robert Schlesinger, who teaches IB and EAL Biology in the High School, coaches several sports, and is involved with the 9th-grade Service Learning Program.
Joy Wang ’25 interviewed Ms. Jessica Cohen, who has taught High School English Language and Literature at TASIS since 2023 and is also involved with several other aspects of the school.
Stella Timm ’27 sat down with High School Science Teacher Mr. Brett Foster, who initially started at TASIS as a science tutor after moving to Switzerland in 2020.